From Boring to Odd:  The 10 Strangest Town Names in the United States - HomeTownRiot

From Boring to Odd: The 10 Strangest Town Names in the United States

Looking for America’s oddest town names?  Check out this list of unique towns with names that will make you laugh and wonder how they got started.

Scouring the U.S for the most bizarre town names I could find, I imagine that the residents of these towns get really excited when people ask them where they're from (at least I would).  There comes a time in an adventurer’s life where the call of the strange is too strong to ignore.  Kind of seems like unique stops for a road trip game too, seeing how many bizarre and amusing names you can find, and probably make inappropriate jokes about with your friends.  

Me and my friends at Hometown Riot  wanted to dig further into the fascinating stories of where these names sprang from, and why they seemed good enough to stick. 

Let's begin.

Booger Hole, West Virginia. Photo Credit: The Charleston Mail, March 2, 1917

#1 - Booger Hole, West Virginia

Alright, well, I wasn't quite prepared for the dark turn Booger Hole would take. The town resides in the Rush Fork Valley in Clay County, West Virginia.  When I first imagined this town, sitting in a beautiful and lush green mountain valley, I thought, what a shame they let an 8 year old boy name the town, forever ruining its tourist potential.  Further investigation into the community's history, however, revealed that In 1917 the community was subjected to a dozen murders in a very short period of time.  Folklore legends became synonymous with the local verbiage for “boogy-man” which is “booger”.  The victims all seemed to be of different backgrounds, belief systems, ages and all died in various ways and for differing reasons.  

There is one conflicting legend as to the name's origin, and that is of an old stone mason who got tired of the violence and moved.  And on the way, while out flipping the bird ( I added that part) announced he was leaving “Booger Hole” and the name stuck. 

Ding Dong, Texas. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

#2 - Ding Dong, Texas

I have to admit, what I find endearing about this town is the name, but more so the enthusiasm of the tiny population of Ding Dong. The origin story of Ding Dong traces back to 1930 when a couple of settlers named Bert and Zulis Bell,  who owned a country store between Killeen and Florence, had hired a painter for the sign.  That man's name was CC Hoover.  A man up in Florence by the name of Fred Foster, who was a real funny guy, convinced Hoover to take some creative license with the sign and paint two bells.  Labeling each of the bells with the names Bert and Zulis, Foster suggested that underneath the bells he should paint the words “Ding” and “Dong”.   I think what is truly fun about places like Ding Dong is how it doesn't take itself seriously.  It’s charming, it's Americana and you could meet everyone who lives there within about 15 minutes.  I think I may want to move to Ding Dong?

Climax, Michigan. Photo Credit:

#3 - Climax, Michigan

Well here we are, the moment you've all been waiting for.  A town name with a suggestive meaning.  It doesn't feel right after the charming innocence of Ding Dong, but let’s investigate nonetheless.  The cheeky towns origin story isn't quite as fun as the jokes that come out of it, unfortunately.  Climax was settled in the 1830’s and historically we are to assume the name came from the town's location or early community sentiment.  Geographically it sits on a very “high point” in the area, and do with that what you will, I suppose.  It's a small town with a little under 800 people.  While not flashy or extravagant, go visit, take a picture, and exclaim “I’ve been to Climax!”

Zzyzx, California.  Photo Credit: Wikipedia

#4 - Zzyzx, California

Continuing on our journey of American towns with strange and funny names, I wanted to understand the history of Zzyzx out of sheer curiosity.  No shock factor here, just more of a “but, why?”  Zzyxz is one of the more unusual town names in the US and the origin of the community is a bit mysterious, controversial and even slightly petty. The name "Zzyzx" was invented in the mid-20th century by a man named Dr. Curtis Howe Springer, a self-proclaimed "doctor" who had no formal medical qualifications but a big personality and an even bigger dream.  In 1944 he set up a wellness center in the Mojave Desert, trying to kind of rip off the natural mineral springs there, and he named it Zzyxz Mineral Springs and “Health” Resort.  The name served as simply a marketing stunt because Zzyxz is the last word in the dictionary, so as far as resorts go he would always be the final one.  Weird! Petty!   In 1970 it closed, as he was found to be operating without any permits or licenses.  So eventually the town seized the land out from under a once quirky man and his bizarre ambition.

Whynot, North Carolina.  Photo Credit: Wikipedia

#5 - WhyNot, North Carolina

“Why Not” is a great way to answer a lot of life's questions.  I'm reminded of when Jim Carey decided to experiment with saying “Yes” to everything in “Yes Man”, it's the idea that we should open life up to all its possibilities. 

In the 1800's a group of settlers were asked what they would name the town they were establishing.  And being pretty lighthearted just responded with “Why Not?”- suggesting that they couldn't really come up with a better name.   I appreciate any sort of playfulness in big decisions, like the naming of a town.   After all, if you answer big questions with “Why Not” enough, I'd guess you end up on some pretty big adventures.  Those of us who are drawn to the lesser-known corners of America will continue to visit because, well, why not?

Toad Suck Daze Promo. Photo Credit:

#6 - Toad Suck, Arkansas

After discovering Toad Suck, Arkansas, I may need to add the Toad Suck Daze Festival to my calendar.  The name gives me Grateful Dead vibes. The origins of the name are believed to come from riverboat pilots in the 19th century. According to local lore, the area was a popular spot for these pilots to stop and drink, and they would joke about "sucking on the bottle" until they were as full as toads. Another version of the story suggests the name came from an old phrase that referred to the area as "toad-suckers" because of the tavern-goers.  Either way I'm thinking the Toad Suck Daze Festival is a good time, so I'm there.

Dull, Ohio and Boring, Oregan.  Photo Credit: Wikipedia

#7 and #8 - Dull, Ohio and Boring, Oregon

I decided these two deserve honorable mention and belong together for their unexciting names.  Dull, Ohio actually shares its name with a town in Scotland and occasionally they have a Dull and Boring Festival to celebrate, in a super plain way, their shared lack of enthusiasm and excitement.  And if you thought that was dull, Boring, Oregon simply got its name from a man named William H. Boring, a pioneer who homesteaded the area in the mid-1800's.

Slaughter Beach, Delaware.  Photo Credit:

#9 - Slaughter Beach, Delaware

After Boring and Dull I was looking for a town straight out of a horror movie, and I found it in Slaughter Beach.  The only problem is the people seem happy and peaceful and the name isn't from some Friday the 13th style, summer camp massacre unfortunately.  The name "Slaughter Beach" is said to have originated from the area’s early history, when the bay was used as a site for processing horseshoe crabs, which would have been referred to as “slaughtering” in the sense of collecting them for use as bait for fishing. 

Santa Claus, Indiana.  Photo Credit:

#10 - Santa Claus, Indiana

This is the kind of quirky, Americana road trip stop I can't get enough of.   Santa Claus was founded in 1854 but the name came later.  The original name  was Santa Fe.  And because there are several Santa Fe’s throughout the country, this particular Santa Fe said “lets just be Santa Claus” and they ran with it.  Now the town has the Holiday World and Splash-in Safari Park, the Santa Claus Museum and Village  and much more.  The post office in town also receives hundreds of letters to Santa every year. 


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1 comment

ZZYZX sounds like a stuck key on a keyboard issue.


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